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My Priorities


Smart Growth

Our town is growing at a rapid pace. Our population is between 35000-40000 currently and expected to double in coming years. Growing population comes with problems like overcrowded schools, traffic congestion, safety issues and increased utility bills. I will work on promoting responsible housing development.


Affordable Housing

Home prices in our area have grown so high that it is almost impossible for families to afford. I will advocate for affordable housing options and protecting tenants from displacement.


Our Planet

Climate change is real and advancing more rapidly than anticipated. This global crisis demands immediate action. I will support the transition to a clean energy economy by investing in renewable energy sources and reducing our carbon footprint. I’ll advocate for initiatives like solar, wind, and other clean energy technologies, while creating incentives for businesses and individuals to embrace sustainable practices.


Safe Neighborhoods

Our town is facing a unique challenge with competition between rapid urbanism and oil & energy sectors. We need to prioritize the health and safety of our communities along with preserving our natural resources. We must persist in safeguarding our environment and ensure that everyone has access to clean air, water, and other natural resources. I will fight against unregulated drilling and enforce safe handling of oil and natural gas operations in our area.


Education Equity

I believe that every child deserves to have access to quality teachers, technology and learning environments. We must do more to provide an equitable educational experience for all students, regardless of gender, race or income. Last November voters approved 350M bond for enhancing BVSD infrastructure. As a member of Community Bond Oversight Committee for BVSD, I will make sure our concerns are effectively represented in Board meetings.



I would like to see our town well connected to airport and other parts of Denver & Boulder with rail and/or bus system.


Support of Local Businesses

Supporting small businesses is crucial for our community's economic vitality. I will fight for implementing policies and providing resources that help small businesses thrive, creating jobs and fostering a vibrant local economy.


Food Security

I believe that all individuals should have reliable access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. I will work with local food banks and make sure the issues of accessibility and availability of quality food are addressed.


Diversity and Inclusion

I would be an advocate for DEI initiatives.

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